Introduction to the academic department
Computer Software Engineering Department is aimed at nurturing application software developer and information system operator on the basis of theories and practicum taught to the students on information processing technology using computer in compliance with the demands of the time for “cultivation of professional IT manpower equipped with creativity and problem solving capabilities.
For this purpose we are educating students with the goal of nurturing on-site oriented professional IT manpower capable of executing practical affairs including SW development, web/mobile solution development and contents production and information system operation, etc. necessary for information system development and operation at industries.
Educational goals
Cultivation of manpower equipped with specialized knowledge in the area of computers has been demanded ceaselessly along with rapid advancement of informatized society. Moreover, with further enlargement of the need to generate highly added values that transcends the limitations of the existing industry in recent years, nurturing SW developers equipped with creativity and problem solving ability is being highlighted as a decisive factor that determines the national competitiveness.
Computer Software Engineering Department, in compliance with such demands of the time, is aimed at nurturing on-site oriented professional IT manpower capable of executing practical affairs including SW development, web/mobile solution development and contents production and information system operation, etc. necessary for information system development and operation at industries based on theories and practicum on informaiton processing technology using computers.