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YUHAN University

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Introduction to the University


  • 2020

  • 2019

    07. 01
    7th President, Kim, Hyun-Jung Inaugurated
    01. 01
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations[22 departments (17 majors), total enrollment 2,040 students]
  • 2018

    01. 01
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations[22 departments (13 majors), total enrollment 2,040 students]
  • 2017

    09. 04
    In-depth major courses for a bachelor’s degree: adjusted the enrollment quota(2 departments, total enrollment 30 students)
    01. 01
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations[22 departments (15 majors), total enrollment 2,040 students]
  • 2016

    10. 04
    Awarded Prime Minister's Commendation at the 40th National Productivity Award
  • 2015

    12. 28
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations[22 departments (15 majors), total enrollment 2,200 students]
  • 2014

    12. 24
    Names of the departments changed due to revision of school regulations, adjusted enrollment quotas, changed course length(30 departments, total enrollment 2,300 students)
    11. 28
    In-depth major courses for a bachelor’s degree: adjusted the enrollment quota(4 departments, total enrollment 70 students)
    03. 01
    Selected for LINC(Leaders in Industry-college Cooperation) Project
  • 2013

    12. 16
    9th chairman of the board of directors, Do-Jae Yoo appointed
    12. 04
    In-depth major courses for a bachelor’s degree: adjusted the enrollment quota(4 departments, total enrollment 80 students)
    09. 01
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations(30 departments, total enrollment 2,490 students)
  • 2012

    11. 01
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations(26 departments, total enrollment 2,600 students)
    10. 12
    In-depth major courses for a bachelor’s degree: adjusted enrollment quota(6 departments, total enrollment 110 students)
  • 2011

    11. 20
    Name changed from “Yuhan College” to “Yuhan University”
    08. 20
    6th President, Lee, Kwon-Hyun Inaugurated
  • 2010

    09. 16
    Adjusted the enrollment quota due to change of school regulations(23 departments, total enrollment 2,600 students)
    09. 13
    In-depth major courses for a bachelor’s degree: adjusted enrollment quota(20 departments, total enrollment 390 students)