Introduction to the academic department
Management Information Major is aimed to nurture creative and future-oriented on-site oriented management information specialists who will lead the knowledge informatization society in the 21st century through provision of education on the latest management theories and cutting-edge informaiton communication technology. As such, student will be able to acquire ability to execute efficient and practical management duties, ability to revolutionize and innovate organization by using informaiton technology, and ability to create new services and businesses through NCS-based educational curriculums.
Educational goals
Management Information Major, on the foundation of the knowledge and capability in business administration theories and practical affairs as well as information technology as a convergent major of computer engineering of Business Administration Department, is aimed at the nurturing of competent persons specialized in management information system in close adherence to worksites by introducing educational system necessary with the goals of reliable, creative and competent persons in the areas of management information system management and general management works, etc. with attitude of taking up changes of the future.