Socially customized academic department-oriented leading industry-academia collaboration college (LINC+) project
8 socially customized collaboration teams are selected to execute project to nurture leading socially customized industry-academia collaboration colleges (LINC+) through analysis of the industrial trends, linked regions and manpower demands. Moreover, to resolve the miss-matching between industry and academia, goal of ‘Nurturing regional industry-based industrial site customized professional engineers’ is set to establish social demand-customized education system. For this purpose, supports are given with priority for the development of employment and experiences of the students including joint organic selection of students with industries, on-site practicum, development of Capstone Design works, special lectures by industries, student competency fortification camp, S-OJT task education and mentoring by the industries, etc. to nurture professional workers who comply with the needs of the era of the 4th generation industrial revolution in leading the establishment of competency-oriented society. With the government subsidies of approximately 1.75 billion KRW since 2017, we acquired outstanding rating in the annual evaluation and are putting in utmost efforts in nurturing competent professional workers by producing average of 210 graduating students every year.
Establish socially customized education infrastructure
Strengthen socially customized education system
Strengthen consumer-oriented competencies
Sustainable growth through strengthening of operational system
Fortify industry-academia collaboration
Strengthen industries education
Socially customized joint selection and support
Socially customized educational curriculum development and reformation
Socially customized educational curriculums operation
Socially customized education environment improvement
Strengthen support for improvement of competencies of teaching staffs
Establish support system for students by corporations
Support socially customized experience development and employment
Continuous advancement of academic operation system
Performance-oriented management
Establish task capability evaluation circulation system