Introduction to the academic department
“Cultivation of specialized practical affairs-oriented manpower required by animation and video production” Animation and video production environment is undergoing rapid changes and growth centered-around digital technology. Animation Visual Arts Department of Yuhan University is striving to realize educational curriculum necessary to perform practical works in order for students to understand and acquire experiences in all the processes of animation and video production including digital-based planning, directing, production and post-production of 2D and 3D animations and videos, as well as YouTuber and 1-person creators by reflecting the demands of the time.
Educational goals
This Department provides education on pre-production processes of planning, scenario, storyboard, character design and background setting, main production processes of 2D and 3D animation and video design production method, and post-production processes of filming, editing and sound recording. 1st year curriculum focuses on teaching basic theories and drawings of animation production, colorist, painting technique, character design, 3D modeling and graphic tools, etc. while the 2nd year curriculum focuses on contents development for production of graduation works for animation production. Supports are provided for submission of works completed during classes and graduation works of the students for various open competitions and used as portfolio at the time of application for employment. Graduation works are also exhibited in the graduation works exhibition for the design major of Yuhan University and at Bucheon International Animation Festival